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Bialik, Ramone, Muncy Honored

The Audio Engineering Society is honoring several of its own, including broadcast's Dave Bialik.

The Audio Engineering Society is honoring several of its own, including broadcast’s Dave Bialik.

It named several individuals who will be honored at its fall show in New York.

Jay McKnight will receive the Distinguished Service Medal Award for “advancement of knowledge in magnetic recording over a period of more than 50 years.”

John D. Meyer will get the Silver Medal Award, established in honor ofAlexander Graham Bell, Emile Berliner and Thomas A. Edison, for achievement in source-independent measurement of public address systems and the advancement of quality in sound reinforcement.

David Bialik will be saluted with the Citation Award for his work in “making broadcast audio an important part of the AES mission.”

Receiving the Fellowship Award for dissemination of knowledge of audio engineering will be Oscar Bonello, Bob Ludwig, Neil Muncy and Phil Ramone.

John Strawn will be saluted for his work on last year’s AES.
