Satelllite radio innovator Robert Briskman is the new president of the North American Broadcasters Association. He succeeds Leonardo Ramos of Televisa.
Briskman is technical executive for Sirius XM Radio. His two-year term starts at the end of this month. Re-elected as vice-presidents of NABA were Michael Starling, executive director & CTO for NPR Labs, and Robert Winteringham, deputy general counsel of CPB.
Nonprofit NABA includes organizations from the United States, Mexico and Canada. It aims to “provide a common voice for the North American broadcast community” and is a member of the World Broadcasting Unions.
Members include CBS, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting/Public Broadcasting Service, DirecTV, Disney/ABC Television Group, Fox Entertainment, Grupo Televisa, NBC Universal, Sirius XM, Time Warner and TV Azteca. NPR is an associate member; a number of other organizations are affliliates.
“Robert Briskman has been with Sirius XM since the founding in 1991 as Satellite CD Radio Inc.,” the organization stated.
“As the technical innovator of mobile satellite radio services, he was responsible for the original development, implementation and operation of the Sirius XM broadcast distribution system. He previously was a founding member of COMSAT and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).” He’s also a fellow of the IEEE and AIAA.