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Broadband Service in Airplanes OK’d

The FCC has given satellite company ViaSat blanket authority for operation of up to 1,000 earth stations aboard commercial aircraft.

The FCC has given satellite company ViaSat blanket authority for operation of up to 1,000 earth stations aboard commercial aircraft.

The earth stations will provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service, using the Ku-band frequency ranges 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth), to link with leased transponders aboard the AMC-6 satellite.

“The ViaSat aircraft earth stations will provide two-way broadband communications for passengers and aircrew members aboard commercial airliners and private business jets, with access to e-mail, the Internet and corporate virtual networks,” the FCC stated. “Implementation of the ViaSat AMSS system pursuant to this authorization will enhance competition in an important sector of the mobile telecommunications market in the United States.”

Read the FCC summary here.
