Broadcast Electronics announced that it has joined the DRM Consortium in support of progressive DRM digital radio, especially in the FM band for the Indian market.
BE will display on booth 91 in Hall 12A at the BES Expo in New Delhi, its DRM+-capable transmitters, which it says are cost-effective solutions for India’s third phase of FM privatization.
Products on show will include the STX LP Generation II FM transmitter, which broadcasts a DRM+ signal and an analog FM signal simultaneously through a single transmitter. The company explains that, as the DRM+ signal is 200 kHz higher than the FM signal, the result is a FM signal at 97.1 MHz and the DRM+ signal at 97.3 MHz — both generated by the single BE transmitter.
The STX LP Generation II, BE says, also offers a new integrated digital exciter, improved efficiency, dual exciter options and a new smart redundant controller.
Prior to joining the DRM Consortium, BE worked closely with RFmondial and Fraunhofer IIS of Germany to develop DRM+ capabilities.