The FCC’ s Localism Task Force held a hearing in Rapid City, South Dakota. Radio broadcasters expected to take part were: Alan Harris, president, Wagonwheel Communications, Licensee of KUGR(AM), Green River, Wyo.; Maynard Meyer, president and general manager, KLPQ(FM), Madison, Minn.; and Linda Marcus, President, South Dakota Broadcasters Association.
Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps presided at the hearing.
Questions the commission seeks answers to include:
1) How do your broadcasters use radio and television to respond to the community’s needs and interests? What are they doing well?
2) Are there certain kinds of local programming that you believe should be available but that are not being provided by local broadcasters? If so, what are they?
3) What, if anything, should the FCC do to promote more localism in broadcasting?
Broadcast Localism Hearing Held in South Dakota
Broadcast Localism Hearing Held in South Dakota