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Broadcasters Pitch In on 9/11 Effort

PSAs, celebrity testimonials part of multimedia campaign

It would be impossible for the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to slip by unnoticed.

One campaign is working to make the remembrance something more by organizing “the single largest day of charitable service in U.S. history.” The campaign started Aug. 15.

Working with nonprofit organizations MyGoodDeed and the HandsOn Network, the National Association of Broadcasters along with media entities including Clear Channel Radio, Viacom and AOL will donate services such as air time for PSAs for the campaign. It is estimated that $15 million worth of air time will be donated.

The PSAs will include celebrities, athletes and relatives of people who died on 9/11. The theme is “I will” and the content centered around what the testifier is doing to commemorate 9/11. Other parts of the campaign include billboards, bus shelter displays, newspaper and magazine ads and all sorts of Web promotion such as Facebook apps.
