COLUMBUS — Calling Buckeye broadcasters! The Ohio Broadcast & Multimedia Conference is approaching fast. Scheduled for Nov. 8 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, the show features sessions for radio and TV engineers.
For instance , radio broadcasters can catch the NAB’s David Layer leading “Radio Breakout #1: Radio Broadcasters and the Digital Dashboard.” Kirk Harnack of The Telos Alliance helms “Radio Breakout #2: Private or Public Cloud, Your Rack Room Is Going There.” The last dedicated radio session is “Radio Breakout #3: Monitoring and Compliance in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape,” with Paul Stewart of the Summit Technology Group.
On the TV side Jim Seccia of GatesAir offers, “TV Breakout #1: Recent Experiences With ATSC 3.0 from Seoul to Phoenix.” Following that is “TV Breakout #2: Repack, Reimbursement and the Rush for Our Spectrum,” led by Robert Weller of the NAB. Later, Jeff Cohen of IMT Vislink has “TV Breakout #3: Next Generation IP News Gathering: The Advent of High-Speed Multi-User IP ENG Solutions.”
In addition there will be IT and multimedia sessions such as WorldCast’s Tony Peterle leading “IT Breakout #1: Basic Exploration of SNMP:” Chris Crump of Comrex with “Multimedia Breakout #2: 5G Technology and the Future of Remote Broadcasts;” and a panel, “Closing Session: Practical Cybersecurity for Broadcasters 5 Things to Know.”