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Calrec, Orban Join Ravenna

Console, processor makers are the latest to join IP-based networking community

ALC NetworX has announced that console manufacturer Calrec and processor maker Orban have become Ravenna partners. Ravenna is a media over IP networking standard that is compatible with the AES67 digital audio network standard.

With this move, the impact of Ravenna networking technology enters a “new dimension” says ALC, ensuring “manufacturers and end users that Ravenna IP-based networking is truly an open standard and receives broad support from more than just one mixing desk manufacturer.”

The announcement comes after the publication of the AES67 standard on “High-performance Audio-over-IP Streaming Interoperability,” which is in line with the fundamental operating principles of Ravenna, said ALC. Consequently, the company explains, the integration of Ravenna opens up a straightforward way for Calrec to establish a “powerful and flexible gateway between their internal Hydra2 network and the AES67-based outside world.”

“The excellent work by the AES’s X192 committee in its publication of AES67 has given the AoIP project a huge boost, allowing different manufacturers to design interfaces that they are confident will work with other manufacturers’ equipment,” said Patrick Warrington, technical director, Calrec.

Orban’s VP for Product development Greg Ogonowski said, “We’re delighted to be able to offer Ravenna networking and connectivity solutions to our customers. Ravenna was born of a need to offer high quality, reliable audio networking and is currently the only solution on the market that is fully AES67 compatible.”

He added, “The developers of Ravenna come from a broadcast background and so they fully understand the highly demanding requirements of a broadcast environment. By implementing Ravenna in our devices, we are investing in the next generation of audio systems deployment and offering our customers a future-proofed infrastructure based on an open technology standard.”
