Webcasters won’t be forgotten by the 108th Congress. This week the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property heard testimony on H.R. 1417, the Copyright Royalty and Distribution Reform Act.
The bill would replace the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel, or CARP, that recommends copyright royalty rates for sound recording play with a Copyright Royalty Judge. Testimony focused on both the fairness of the rates ultimately determined, and the high cost of the CARP system to the participants.
Noting that the debate in the days ahead may only yield a new process, not different royalty rates, Rep. Howard Berman, D-Calif., quipped, “Even those who feel abused by the current standard can at least be abused in the future cheaper than they’ve been abused in the past.”
CARP System Scrutinized on Hill
CARP System Scrutinized on Hill