Westwood One and CBS Radio News made two changes in the leadership of CBS Radio News. Aliah Git and Craig Swagler assume new titles as executive editor and special events director, respectively.
Git joined CBS Radio News in 2002 and is former executive producer of the “Gil Gross Show” at KLAC(AM) and producer of the “Bill Handel Show” at KFI(AM) in Los Angeles. At KFI, she held the titles of news editor and assistant news editor. Git assumes her new position Jan. 2.
Swagler joined the company in 2001 and since held positions including desk assistant, production coordinator and special events producer. Prior to CBS Radio News, he held positions at “Saturday Night Live,” ABC Sports and The MSG Channel. His new position is effective immediately.
CBS News Radio Names New Executive, Special Events Director
CBS News Radio Names New Executive, Special Events Director