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CCB: 2,000 LPFMs by Early 2014?

Fewer applications filed may result in more LPFMs overall

Christian Community Broadcaster’s John Broomall is wondering whether there may be a total of 2,000 low-power FM construction permits granted.

He predicts the commission will soon release a list of the initial so-called “singleton” applications accepted for filing. Those would be applications for frequencies/markets that are not sought by multiple parties.

If there are no Petitions to Deny or Informal Oppositions these should become Construction Permits in early January, according to Broomall. 

As too why fewer applications were submitted this window than in the first one, Broomall sees a silver lining. With fewer applications and more unopposed applications, may result in more LPFMs overall. Check out his application scorecard to the right of his blog.
