Public radio isn’t the only network with a Volvo/BMW audience. Commercial network radio has significant reach among upper-income adults. While 77.1% of all adults (Persons 18+) are reached by network radio, the medium delivers 84.3% of Adults 18+ living in households with an income of $50,000 to $70,000 and 94.6% of adults in $70,000+ households.
For select advertiser demographics, network radio reaches 79.4% of Persons 12-34, 79.1% of Adults 18-34 and 79.8% of Adults 25-54 over the course of a typical week.
The results are the contained in the first Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research, or RADAR, report released since Arbitron bought the product from Statistical Research, Inc.
RADAR measures national radio audience and spot clearance collection and reporting on 31 radio networks.
Commercial Radio Delivers Upper Income Adults
Commercial Radio Delivers Upper Income Adults