Broadcasters in Connecticut will test the state’s Amber Alert abducted child notification system on Monday, Nov. 17.
The test is scheduled for 12:58 a.m.
Involved are the Connecticut Broadcasters Association, the Department of Public Safety Division of State Police, the Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association and the Outdoor Advertising Association of Connecticut.
Regular duty personnel in the communications center of the state Department of Public Safety will launch the test, as they would for an actual Amber Alert. After alerting tones are broadcast, the body of the test will contain a 30-second announcement explaining that the Amber Network is being tested.
Wayne Mulligan, VP of emergency services for the broadcasters’ association, said the main goal is to learn more about the reaction time and operation of EAS equipment. “Most radio and TV stations in the state have adjusted their EAS equipment for the immediate pass-through of an Amber Alert message. TV stations will carry the test either with a screen crawl alone or the crawl and the script audio.”