An update on our friends in Connecticut broadcasting, by way of Mike Rice, president of the Connecticut Broadcasters Association.
Responding to Radio World queries, Rice said, “All major stations remained on the air at full power throughout the storm.” Several used generator power.
The only major station that was knocked off the air was WICC(AM) in Bridgeport, Conn., whose transmission site is on Long Island Sound and whose generator suffered wind damage. This hiatus lasted for 30 hours, according to Rice, and it’s now back.
Other stations that encountered brief loss of power were “stitched quickly to phone line backup,” Rice said. “We had one campus station forced to shut down because the campus was locked down at the height of the storm and personnel were not allowed to stay at the station. We had some TV stations on generator power.”
WHPX(TV) in New London, Conn. was still functioning on generator power as of Thursday morning.