Interim Federal Communications Chairman Michael Copps is trying to open up communication within the commission and between the agency and the public.
In his first news conference since being named acting chairman, Copps said, “We need transparency in this agency.” Though the commission originally was set up to serve consumer protection interests, over the years it has become “opaque” and become “a referee between well-heeled interests,” he said.
The agency now holds a weekly meeting of bureau heads and representatives from the commissioner’s offices so “the bureaus can know what other bureaus are doing and talk freely to each other.” He’s also initiated passing information on from the chairman’s office to other commissioners and bureaus early and at the same time “so everybody has a better idea of what’s going on.”
He’s setting regular dates for the open meetings. The next three meetings are set for March 5, April 8 and May 14. The content for all three will probably be all DTV-related, he said.