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Countdown to World Radio Day: Radio in Times of Emergency

In a natural disaster, one of the most important things to do is to keep people informed.

In a natural disaster, one of the most important things to do is to keep people informed. According to UNESCO, radio is still one of the widest reaching mediums across the globe, which makes it ideal for use in an emergency or disaster situation. That is why UNESCO had made the theme for World Radio Day 2016 “Radio in Times of Emergency and Disaster.”

The key messages that UNESCO will look to make as part of World Radio Day this year are:

1. Freedom of expression and journalists’ safety should be disaster-proof.

2.Radio empowers survivors and vulnerable people, whose right to privacy is to be respected.

3.Radio has a social impact and provides access to information. People’s right to information should be protected even in times of emergency and disaster.

4.Radio saves lives.

5.The immediate accessibility of radio frequencies is essential to saving lives. These frequencies should be protected so they are available in times of emergency.

As part of its World Radio Day celebration, UNESCO plans to provide copyright-free articles, audio and video messages from opinion leaders, celebrities and UNESCO Good Will Ambassadors on these messages and more for use by broadcasters. International broadcasters will also broadcast live on UNESCO’s website,

World Radio Day 2016 will take place on Saturday, Feb. 13.
