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CRL Increases Production

Manufacturer Circuit Research Labs says it has increased production of audio processors and other products.

Manufacturer Circuit Research Labs says it has increased production of audio processors and other products.

It cites a “surge of demand” and said in mid-March the company’s production staff began working an additional two hours daily and a Saturday assembly shift was added to the workweek.

“Both changes will remain in effect until production can satisfy demand quickly, which is estimated to be by mid-May.”

The company said it has a backlog of orders totaling $3 million, “a result of strong bookings and delays brought on by production down-time caused by the company’s moving its corporate offices and manufacturing from San Leandro, Calif., to Tempe, Ariz.” Production also has been affected by difficulty in procuring components that comply with the EU “reduction of hazard substances” (RoHS) directive, it said.

In 2006, the company consolidated Orban and CRL production into a new 36,000-square-foot corporate headquarters and manufacturing plant in Tempe. Orban products had been made in Silicon Valley. R&D including Bob Orban remains in San Leandro.

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