Harris reported that KTCK(AM), a Cumulus station serving the Dallas area, has purchased a 3DX-25 solid-state transmitter.
“The 3DX-25 was selected over a competitive transmitter due to its ability to meet strict nighttime power, audio and performance requirements without requiring additional gear,” the manufacturer reported.
“The sports talk station operates at 25 kW power during the day, and switches to 2.3 kW of power at night. Harris modified software in the 3DX-25 so that audio distortion at the lower nighttime power level was typical of a high-power broadcast. This eliminated the need for KTCK to purchase a separate 3 kW transmitter and other associated switchgear.”
Gary Kline is director of engineering for Cumulus; Harris said he visited the factory in Quincy to review the modifications and evaluate performance. The Harris development and engineering team included Geoff Mendenhall, Ky Luu, Steve Cane and Wayne Duello.