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Customer Buys 450,000 Watts from Nautel (25 kW at a Time)

Radio Nacional de Argentina will install them through early next year

Radio Nacional de Argentina ordered 18 transmitters from Nautel Ltd.

Eighteen of the model NX25 AM transmitters will be used in provinces around the country. Delivery began last month and will continue through early 2010, the manufacturer said.

Radio Nacional de Argentina selected the model for transmitters in Bariloche, Santa Rosa, Esquel, San Juan, Santo Tome, Viedma, Santa Fe, Tucuman, Bahia Blanca, San Salvador de Jujuy, Rio Turbio, Catamarca, Rio Grande, Salta, La Rioja, Formosa, Mendoza, and Santiago del Estero.

Gerardo Vargas is Nautel’s Latin America sales manager.
