Clear Channel Radio’s Online unit confirmed it has named Google its “exclusive search partner” for its network of radio station Web sites, and the company released details.
The deal means Clear Channel sites will soon offer sponsored links targeted to the contents of news articles across the Clear Channel network.
“The agreement provides Clear Channel Radio listeners with the chance to search through Google’s search engine, without having to leave their favorite radio station site,” the company stated. “Clear Channel’s local advertisers will also benefit from the deal, as they will have the option to have their advertisements showcased first, followed by Google’s sponsored links and Web search results.”
The broadcaster calls the deal a “mutually beneficial partnership.”
The agreement brings with it these services: “AdSense for Search,” which are sponsored links targeted to the search term typed in by the listener; “WebSearch,” a Google search tool that quickly returns the most relevant information; and “AdSense for Content,” sponsored links targeted to the contents of news articles across the Clear Channel network.
The first two launch immediately; AdSense for Content will follow.
Deal With Google Gives Clear Channel More Search Revenue Opportunities
Deal With Google Gives Clear Channel More Search Revenue Opportunities