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Dems Disappointed Ownership Is Teed Up for Vote

Relaxation of the cross-ownership ban is not on the hit parade for the Democratic FCC commissioners.

Relaxation of the cross-ownership ban is not on the hit parade for the Democratic FCC commissioners.

Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps called the decision to include media ownership on the December agenda “a huge mistake.”

“The FCC should provide a meaningful opportunity for public input, rather than the callous disregard exhibited thus far,” they stated. “And it means taking meaningful action on minority and female ownership and broadcast localism, rather than the mish-mash of half-baked ideas currently before us.”

The agency has been “engaged in internal discussions to try to get our processes back on track.” At this point, they were hopeful the situation could either be turned around internally or that “Congress can save the FCC from itself,” they stated.
