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Denver SBE Chapter Asks for RF Volunteers for Democratic Convention

15,000 media people are expected; that’s a lot of wireless.

Broadcast engineering leaders in Denver are looking for volunteers to help with wireless coordination and enforcement at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

The event is in August.

SBE Chapter 48 Chairman Jim Schoedler and Political Conventions Communications Committee Chair Louis Libin put out the call; they say they’ll need help in shifts, from midday well into the evening hours of Aug. 25–28 and the days just prior. There will be RF test events on Aug. 22 and 24 and a briefing for volunteers on Aug. 20.

Libin is the overall frequency coordinator for the DNC and RNC conventions.

Qualifications are knowledge of RF and broadcasting. Tasks will include meeting radio and TV crews and checking in their wireless equipment, monitoring for interference and evidence of non-coordinated equipment, and resolving problems. Test gear will be available, and the organizers hope to have a 450 MHz channel for communication.

The Denver Chapter of SBE/SMPTE has been involved in preparations for RF uses at the convention, Schoedler told members in an e-mail. “The process started early this year and meetings between Denver broadcasters, the networks, representatives of public safety, local FCC, the DNC and our SBE frequency coordinators have been held at regular intervals.

“The job of coordinating and enforcing guidelines for RF communications is huge. Many of those involved in the planning effort to date will be part of the working media and therefore not available to help in August.” Organizers have been quoted saying they expect 15,000 media people in town.

Volunteers will work mostly in the concourse of the Pepsi Center. A limited number of floor passes will be time-shared.

E-mail to ask for info or volunteer.

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