Dice Electronics has introduced what it says is a device that allows customers to use its HD Radio receiver with any brand of in-dash headunit. Ibiquity says the launch represents a new product category.
RW Online reported on this after seeing the gadget in Ibiquity’s booth at the NAB Radio Show; now Dice Electronics is unveiling it at a specialty equipment show for automakers.
With the HD-Dice receiver, the developer says consumers can keep their existing car sound system and receive IBOC signals, including multicast stations. HD-Dice will be available in the second quarter of 2006 and will be compatible with Audi, GM, Nissan, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Chrysler, Mazda and Volkswagen vehicles.
Dice Electronics is a company founded by Dension USA CEO Alfred Barabas and President Laszlo Barabas, who make hardwired iPod/iNano car integration kits.
Dice Electronics Unveils Aftermarket HD Radio Integration for OEM Headunits
Dice Electronics Unveils Aftermarket HD Radio Integration for OEM Headunits