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Did You Pay Your Regulatory Fees on Time?

Most radio station fees increased compared to earlier proposal

$10,850 …$3,050 … $2,875 …

The deadline for the FCC’s fiscal 2010 regulatory fees was just before midnight Tuesday (Aug. 31).

Didn’t pay on time? You’ll be subject to a 25% penalty in addition to your required fee, determined by using the commission’s online “Fee Filer System” Form 159.

Law firm Fletcher Heald & Hildreth modified (PDF) the FCC’s broadcast fee chart showing that most radio station fees increased compared to the FCC’s original April proposal for 2010 fees.

The red figures in parentheses reflect the level of increase over the April proposals. The only fee (shown in green) that is reduced from the April levels is for AM construction permits.

Instructions for filing the regulatory fees are here.
