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Digital Grant Application Deadline Looms

Get IBOC grant applications in by June 15

A reminder that the application deadline for digital conversion grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is approaching — it’s this Monday, June 15.

CPB will be accepting grant applications for Priority I digital radio transmitter conversions and secondary Priority II and III projects. Priority I grants provide funds for those converting analog transmitters to HD Radio. This category also includes multicast gear for first-time converters.

Priority II grants are for stations that have already converted to IBOC and want to add services, like multicasting. This category also provides funding for HD equipment that was unavailable to early adopters.

Priority III grants are for equipment that will be used to demonstrate the feasibility of unique public service applications of digital radio technology, such as accessibility projects. Note one change to this category, conversion of boosters and translators to HD Radio is not included in this round.

Apply here.

Questions? Contact CPB at:
