Almost three-quarters of respondents to a survey were aware of HD Radio on some level, according to a technology research firm that recently asked U.S. consumers.
In-Stat also finds that the conversion from analog to digital radio is “well under way around the world and gaining momentum rapidly. Worldwide, the market for digital radio receivers will grow from 5 million units in 2005, to almost 25 million unit shipments in 2010,” it stated.
“The primary factors contributing to this expected growth are falling receiver prices, an increase in the amount of compelling digital programming, significant boosts in promotion and advertising of digital radio and enhanced functionality of digital radio receivers.”
The company says digital radio overall is “still an emerging market” and that there are abundant opportunities for retailers, broadcasters, automobile OEMs and receiver manufacturers.
It also said that in Europe, primarily the United Kingdom, digital audio broadcasting “is the pervasive form of radio, with DAB radio receiver shipments outpacing analog radio receiver shipments.”