NewBay Media, which publishes Radio World, has entered into a partnership with the NAB Show to launch a “complimentary virtual trade show” to be held online in January. It’s called DigitalVision 2010 and will have a focus on digital content creation with a video-oriented emphasis.
The National Association of Broadcasters and NewBay said the show will include live Q&A, keynotes, “moderated chat” and interactive exhibits. It also functions as a preview to the April NAB Show.
A virtual lounge will let attendees talk with others and also has scheduled chats. An educational component focuses on acquisition, production, audio, content management, content distribution and transmission.
DigitalVision is free to attend. The producers are offering a $100 discount on a 2010 NAB Show Conference Flex Pass if you register by Dec. 15.
NewBay publications involved include TV Technology, TV Broadcast, Videography, DV Magazine, Government Video, among others. Exhibitors include sponsor Sony, additional sponsors Harris and Omneon and virtual exhibits by Clear-Com, Digital Rapids, Ensemble Designs, Mid-Atlantic Products, Snell, VCI Solutions, Viewcast, Wohler Technologies and the NAB Show exhibit.