NAB reminded stations that PSAs in both English and Spanish of various lengths are available on its website to help inform listeners about this week’s national EAS test.
The association website includes sample scripts to customize your own spot; guidance on the FCC’s test reporting system; and FEMA’s EAS Best Practices Guide and EAS Toolkit.NAB reminded stations that PSAs in both English and Spanish of various lengths are available on its website to help inform listeners about this week’s national EAS test.
“As America’s first informers, broadcasters are a critical lifeline for many Americans during times of crisis,” NAB stated in a newsletter. “And as the backbone of the Emergency Alert System, it is imperative that we work with our federal partners to regularly test the EAS system to ensure the safety of all Americans.” NAB reminded stations that PSAs in both English and Spanish of various lengths are available on its website to help inform listeners about this week’s national EAS test.
As RW has reported, the test message has been shortened to 30 seconds. The entire test including data bursts should be under a minute. NAB reminded stations that PSAs in both English and Spanish of various lengths are available on its website to help inform listeners about this week’s national EAS test.