The Radio Television Digital News Association has launched a new series of instructional videos for newsrooms. Announced in a press release this week, the new online “Ed Talks” will feature Edward R. Murrow Award winners and other expert contributors presenting practical tips for electronic journalists.
Each video will focus on a single, skill or technique. The first video stars multiple-Murrow Award winner Boyd Huppert and photojournalist Kevin Sullivan of KARE(TV) in Minneapolis, who will share “a tip to help viewers make an instant connection with the people in our stories,” Huppert explained in the release.
Initially, the videos will be accessible to anyone who visits the website, but later in the year they will only be available for RTDNA members.
“When RTDNA recently surveyed journalists to find out about their needs and interests, one of the most common concerns that surfaced was training,” said project leader and Region 4 Director Scott Libin in the announcement. “Journalists want more of it, but they can’t always travel to get it, and they need it in practical forms that are easy to fit into their busy schedules.”