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Emmis: “We Are Reaching Your Listeners”

Broadcaster says NextRadio app is showing growth in key metrics

Emmis is seeing growth in key metrics related to its NextRadio FM cellphone app.

Since November, the broadcaster is tracking growth in the average number of stations tuned to each day through the app, the number of minutes people listen and the average total sessions per day.

Check it out in the infographic in the latest NextRadio blog post.

“We are reaching your listeners,” notes Emmis, which adds that Sprint “drives our ability to stretch” radio’s presence.

There’s lots of upward movement in the number of active listening sessions per day as a result of consumers using the app, according to the broadcaster, which adds that that makes sense considering more FM-enabled smartphones are coming into the market. “We want to see that new users are active listeners. This growth supports that idea.”

Trends tell an important story, notes Emmis. “Can we take our results on the road and use them to support the idea that FM radio in the smartphone is valuable, not only to our industry, but to regular consumers? Without that story, we have no case.”

Yet with all the positives, Emmis also provides a chart showing that some 80% of the nation’s FMs have been tuned to through the NextRadio app, 35% of FMs are at least showing a logo when their app is tuned to yet only 3% are providing interactivity.
