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ENCO Cites ContentDepot Orders

ENCO Cites ContentDepot Orders

One of the more closely watched technology projects in radio this spring will be NPR’s ContentDepot.
Suppliers have been lining up and competing for business as a part of that project. Now ENCO Systems said NPR has signed on for “a large number” of automation systems for public radio stations, as part of the ContentDepot project.
“As part of that rollout, NPR will provide basic automation to interconnected public radio stations that either
currently do not have an automation system or that have a system that cannot be made compliant with the ContentDepot,” ENCO stated.
“Under this station automation contract, NPR will be providing ENCO Systems’ DADpro32 software and ENCO-built automation hardware to these interconnected stations.”
The supplier said interconnected stations will be informed by NPR regarding eligibility for the automation systems, which to begin arriving at stations in April for the May rollout of ContentDepot.
