ETI Sound Systems and the FCC have come to a meeting of the minds about the marketing of digital RF devices.
ETI markets guitar amps with built-in digital signal processors, as well as CD/MP3 players and speaker systems. The FCC classifies these as unintentional radiators subject to the commission’s equipment verification procedures, including proper equipment labeling and consumer disclosure.
Last July, the FCC’s Spectrum Enforcement Division asked ETI to submit sworn answers to questions about how the New York-based audio and video systems integrator manufactures, imports and markets its Prodigy CD/MP3 players, Matrix active speaker system and Rebel and Renegade guitar amplifiers.
The commission said ETI provided detailed information about its product lines that require testing and authorization, noting that it mostly markets nondigital sound system devices that are not subject to the commission’s equipment authorization procedures.
This week, ETI and the FCC signed a Consent Decree, ending the investigation. Under the agreement, ETI admits no wrongdoing and makes a voluntary contribution of $34,000 to the U.S. Treasury, due in four payments. The first $8,500 payment is due within 30 days.
ETI also agrees to designate a senior corporate manager to be a compliance officer and form an equipment compliance plan within 60 days. The plan should include operating procedures on equipment marketing and training; ETI agrees to submit regular compliance reports with the commission.