As recently reported in Radio World‘s “The Leslie Report,” European broadcasters formed an alliance to promote HD Radio during IBC2007; now the officers for the group have been made public.
Jürg Bachmann of Energy Zürich in Switzerland is chairman; Andriy Karpiy, 1 Ukraynskaia Radyo Gruppa, Ukraine, is vice chairman; Markus Ruoss, Ruoss AG and Radio Sunshine, Switzerland, is general secretary; Andrea Sentinelli, Data Technology Consulting (DTC), Poland, is general director; and Perry Priestley of iBiquity Digital is treasurer.
The European HD Radio Alliance will promote and support the deployment of HD Radio technology throughout the continent, according to Ibiquity.
The European HD-R Alliance meeting coincided with the HD Radio Tage event in Luzern, Switzerland, in October. Managers of the HD Radio field trial in Switzerland hosted more than 200 specialists from 13 countries.