SiriusXM wants to remind people that it, too, has a wave of Super Bowl programming for its listeners. It has developed specialized team broadcast channels each for the Patriots and for the Seahawks. It also has special foreign-language channels for the game broadcast — Spanish, Hungarian, Japanese, French, Portuguese, Chinese and German.
Not surprisingly, it will have many of its sports programs in Arizona for much, if not all, of the week — including Stephen A. Smith, Chris Russo, Adam Schein and the Bleacher Report crew. Oh, and PGA pro Freddie Couples will worm his way in by devoting an edition of his “PGA Tour Radio” show to the big game. He’s claiming to be a diehard Seahawks fan.
On another front, it’s now become old news, but the Super Bowl has another identity as showcase for commercials. Westwood One has recognized this and will be presenting the Super Bowl Sound Awards for the best radio commercials, after the game, Wednesday, Feb. 4. It’s for listeners, and restricted to ads airing during Westwood One’s radio broadcast of the Super Bowl.