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Everybody’s Tweeting Except You!

Audio vet builds consultancy on social media marketing

Does your station or company tweet? Have a Facebook or MySpace page? Is it posting how-to YouTube videos? Does any of that even make sense to you?

If it doesn’t or even if it does but you don’t have the time to try to figure out how to approach those new media icons, then Michael Newman Consulting insists you might be a prospective client.

The eponymous brainchild of Michael Newman, an audio industry veteran with almost 20 years of experience with well-known companies such as Cerwin-Vega, KRK, Mackie, Digidesign and Gibson, Michael Newman Consulting is offering “social media marketing services” to the needy.

Newman said: “There are some very smart marketing people in the audio industries that don’t have the time to keep up with all of the changes that are taking place in online marketing. … These companies can’t afford a dedicated social media resource. The audio markets are perfect for social media marketing because the consumers are extremely passionate, if not downright crazy.”

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