Equipment maker WorldCast Systems is sponsoring a webinar to look at the ins and outs of “SNMP for Broadcast Engineers,” Wednesday, March 30, starting at noon EDT.
For the uninitiated, WorldCast explains: “The Simple Network Management Protocol has been a part of computer and networking systems for many years. Now, this standardized control language is migrating into more and more broadcast-oriented equipment and systems, and new facility control software is being developed to enable the use of this powerful tool to monitor and manage equipment as part of an overall broadcast facility control plan.”
As SNMP infiltrates the IP-based systems that are taking over operation of radio stations, it behooves engineers to learn SNMP if they do not already know it.
Working the webinar will be Tony Peterle, senior application engineer for WorldCast Systems; Andy Gunn, technical maintenance manager, WAMU(FM) in Washington; and Doug Irwin, supervisor, Clear Channel Radio, New York.
“The SNMP Protocol and Its Integration as a Broadcast Monitoring Tool”