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FCC: 13,742 Total Licensed Radio Stations in U.S.

FCC: 13,742 Total Licensed Radio Stations in U.S.

How many U.S. radio stations are there?
The FCC has updated its tally. As of Sept. 30 there were 4,751 AMs, 6,252 commercial FMs and 2,790 educational FMs for a total of 13,793 radio stations. That compares to June 30 totals of 4,744 AMs, 6,238 commercial FMs and 2,760 educational FMs for a total of 13,742 stations.
There are 746 LPFMs; there were 721 at last count.
The FCC also says there are 4,087 FM translators and boosters. That compares to 4,026 as of June 30.
