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FCC Creates DTV Task Force

FCC Creates DTV Task Force

The FCC has created a task force to review the ongoing transition to DTV, and to make recommendations to the commission concerning priorities to facilitate the transition and promote the rapid recovery of broadcast spectrum for other uses.
Mass Media Bureau Associate Chief Rick Chessen chairs the cross-bureau group.
FCC Chairman Michael Powell said, “The DTV transition is a massive and complex undertaking. Although I’m often asked what the FCC is going to do to ‘fix’ the DTV transition, I believe that a big part of the problem were the unrealistic expectations set by the 2006 target date for return of the analog spectrum. This task force will help us re-examine the assumptions on which the commission based its DTV policies, and give us the ability to react and make necessary adjustments.”
Powell said the commission must review the DTV transition in light of “new realities” since the terrorist attacks, including the financial impact on media companies and the impact on consumer spending.

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