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FCC Seeks $352.5 Million for 2011

Request is part of the president’s budget proposal to Congress

President Barack Obama has submitted a budget to Congress that proposes fiscal 2011 funding for the Federal Communications Commission of $352.5 million — a 5% increase over the amount approved by Congress for 2010.

The request includes a 2% pay increase for agency employees.

The funds would be used to support the commission’s cyber-security role; implement the plan to accelerate broadband deployment; overhaul the agency’s data systems and processes; implement a spectrum inventory initiative and emergency response interoperability center; and modernize the FCC’s online comment filing process.

The agency also would like to send more people to disaster-prone areas to help the commission be more responsive in preparing for emergencies and be on the ground when disasters strike.

The FCC believes the submitted proposal will allow it to add 75 full-time positions to its staff of about 1,990 employees.
