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FCC to Solicit Applications for Commercial Operator Licensing Exam Managers

FCC to Solicit Applications for Commercial Operator Licensing Exam Managers

In 1993, the FCC privatized exams for Commercial Radio Operators’ licenses, including the General Radiotelephone Operator’s License and First, Second and Third Class Radio Telegraph Operator’s Certificates.
For a month starting in early October, the FCC will accept applications for new Commercial Operator License Examination, or COLE, managers.
Applicants will need to describe the entity to be certified, how it will resolve any conflicts of interest and its proposed fee structure.
If you are interested, see the FCC Public Notice DA 04-2876: Commission Opens Filing Window for Commercial Operator License Examination Managers. Information on the process is available on the FCC Search for Filed Comments web page; Enter “92-206” in box 1 (Proceeding) and, if you want to narrow the results, put “RO” in box 7 (Attorney Name).
