The FCC is holding firm on its $25,000 fine against Four Corners Broadcasting for operating three studio-to-transmitter links in an unauthorized location. The penalty is now a forfeiture.
The STLs are for KIQX(FM), KRSJ(FM) and KIUP(AM) — all in Durango, Colo.
The penalty was levied in 2013 because the Enforcement Bureau said Four Corners was operating the STLs some six-tenths of a mile from their authorized location; that issue came up during an inspection in 2012.
Responding to the Enforcement Bureau about the fine, Four Corners blamed the violation, and why it took several months to correct, on staff error, illness and the unavailability of one of its key employees. The broadcaster argued the amount of the penalty “is outrageous,” according to the commission decision.
The agency disagrees with all the arguments and sees no reason to cut the penalty; payment is due within 30 days.