The FCC upheld a $16,000 against Opus Broadcasting Tallahassee for public file violations at four Florida FMs.
When the broadcaster filed its license renewal applications in 2011, Opus truthfully told the FCC that it lacked seven quarterly issues program lists for the public files for WHTF(FM), Havana, Fla.; WWOF(FM) and WQTL(FM), Tallahassee, Fla. and WANK(FM), Lafayette, Fla.
In August, the commission proposed four $4,000 fines. Opus appealed, saying the violations occurred shortly after the broadcaster took over the stations and the company took subsequent measures to ensure future compliance.
Opus also argued it had a history of past good compliance with FCC rules. The commission this week said where stations are commonly owned, violations at one facility negate the history of good compliance at another.
The agency found the licensee’s arguments unpersuasive in general and said Opus has 30 days to pay.