The NAB wants you – and more specifically, what’s inside that head of yours.
The association has put out a call for papers for its Broadcast Engineering Conference next spring in Las Vegas, during the NAB show.
They encourage ideas on digital audio, digital radio, new receiver technologies, security, automation and a long list of other potential topics. The organizers say they also are “very interested” in case studies, practical experience that would be of help to fellow engineers.
Presenters deliver technical papers on various topics; presentations are limited to 30 minutes including questions.
If you have an idea, you can submit a proposal of up to 200 words. It should “explain precisely what conference attendees can be expected to learn from your paper. Papers promoting company products or services will not be accepted. However, papers explaining the underlying technologies used in broadcast products or services will be acceptable.”
The proposal deadline is Oct. 15. If accepted, the paper is due in late January.
To submit a proposal, go to; if you have questions, call John Marino at (202) 429-5346.
Got a Good Technical Idea? Call NAB
Got a Good Technical Idea? Call NAB