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Hallikainen Moves to USL Inc.

Harold Hallikainen is now at USL Inc. as an engineer.

Harold Hallikainen is now at USL Inc. as an engineer.

His responsibilities at Ultra Stereo Labs, a cinema products company, are embedded systems hardware and software design. “My projects generally convert user interaction to instructions to the system DSPs,” he said.

Formerly he was an engineer for Dove Lighting Systems, where he designed lighting control products for theatre and television, and did contract designs for several companies. Hallikainen is familiar to radio engineers, however, as a writer for RW and an online resource. We also asked him for an update on his rules business.

“Due to my experiences interpreting FCC rules while working in radio stations 30 years ago, I started writing articles on the rules for Radio World. In 1997, I started the online version of the FCC rules.

“It presently builds an HTML version of the FCC rules each day based on data from the Government Printing Office. The HTML version includes links to cited rules, links to the Federal Register history of the rule, and links to a PDF version of the rule. Finally, once each month, over 200,000 files at are analyzed for mention of specific rules. At the end of this four-day process, CiteFind is updated with a sort of ‘Shepardizing’ listing of the documents citing a specific rule. Links to the CiteFind pages are found at the end of each rule section. For example, includes links to all FCC Web pages mentioning 73.1400 (Transmission system monitoring and control).

“I continue to work on improving the site. The current project is building a local copy of all rule PDF files instead of using links to the GPO, which seem unreliable.”

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