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How Do You Notify the FCC You’ve Raised Digital Power? Here’s How

We tell you what should be in the digital increase notification letter

iStockphoto/Sergei Popov
The Federal Communications Commission has provided notification guidance to FMs that want to increase their digital power. These procedures apply until a new electronic form for e-filing digital notifications is approved by the Office of Management and Budget.

As we’ve reported, the big digital power increase became effective last week. Stations that want to increase their digital power by up to 6 dB can now do so with a letter filed within 10 days of the change. The letter should have the date higher power operation began, the analog and digital ERP, and if applicable, combined TPO and other information (PDF).

Stations that held STAs to run at higher digital power are assumed to have complied with the notification procedures. All these STAs expire after the May 10 effective date and don’t need to be extended.

Stations that seek more than 6 dB, up to the full 10 dB increase, and all super-powered FMs still must file an STA application.

The FCC also noted that some stations use aux antennas to air their digital signals. “If the digital ERP permitted by the order would exceed the licensed analog ERP of such an auxiliary antenna, a licensee must file an application for construction permit (Form 301 or 340) to increase power and file a covering license application (Form 302-FM) prior to commencing operations at the higher power level.”

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