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IABM: Sky Not Falling

International manufacturers' group says TV and radio suppliers are profitable if cautious

According to international broadcast equipment manufacturers’ group IABM, the industry’s equipment suppliers are holding their own despite a general industry feeling of depression.

According to a recently released report about its “Industry Index,” most manufacturers are profitable but cautious. Sales by companies supplying technology to broadcast and media companies grew by 11.7 percent, year to year (ending in March).

The index looks at both TV and radio broadcast suppliers.

Roger Crumpton, director of the IABM, said: “These figures should be seen in context: financial statements published up to the end of March largely reflect the business trends for 2008, so not only are they only just beginning to be affected by the recession, they cover a particularly big year for the broadcast industry.”

He added: “Looking at the qualitative statements made by the companies, it is clear that most have already taken appropriate action to protect margins… They are also taking advantage of the global nature of the industry, with sales performance in the Far East, Middle East, India and Australia reported to have held up better than North America and Western Europe.”
