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IBS Launches Internet Radio Network

The Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) has launched an Internet radio network aimed at student broadcasters. Working with supplier Backbone Networks Corp., a proof-of-concept pilot project involving 25 schools starts this month.

The Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) has launched an Internet radio network aimed at student broadcasters. Working with supplier Backbone Networks Corp., a proof-of-concept pilot project involving 25 schools starts this month.

The IBS Digital Radio Network will use Backbone client-server radio software to enable student stations to syndicate live and produced programming and access royalty-free programming from third-party sources.

The network uses MPEG-4 AAC as its streaming format. “Conforming to this standard not only ensures universal acceptance across all listening platforms, but it also enables each school to partner with the Apple iTunes store in preparing material, including artist/album annotation and cover art images that display to listeners’ free QuickTime or iTunes players,” the organizations stated.

Stations need an Apple Macintosh computer, a microphone and an Internet connection to be on the air.

Program automation software is provided by Backbone, as well as server storage, streaming broadcast bandwidth and automated reporting software.
