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IBS Works With Two Music Providers to Stream Royalty-Free

Digital music providers Trakheadz and SMtv Music are collaborating to offer royalty-free music to college and high school radio stations.

Digital music providers Trakheadz and SMtv Music are collaborating to offer royalty-free music to college and high school radio stations.

The content is via the Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems’ new IBS Student Radio Network, operated by Backbone.

The network will used Backbone’s Internet radio automation software to enable student stations to syndicate programming among member stations and to access royalty-free programming from third-party sources.

Artists supplying music to the network through Trakheadz and SMtv Music will be provided with statistics on which stations played their music, times, dates and number of listeners.

The development follows the recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board, which increased royalty fees that Internet radio stations must pay to RIAA for each song aired and eliminates the differences in rates between Internet and terrestrial radio stations.

Len Mailloux, chairman and executive vice president of IBS, said of Trakheadz and SMtv Music, “Providing their content under the same terms as terrestrial broadcasters will ease the administrative burden on college radio stations to comply with increasingly complex broadcast rules and regulations.”

Click here to read RW’s June story about the new IBS network.
