The International Electrotechnical Committee has voted in favor of an international standard for the Digital Radio Mondiale on-air system. The IEC voted in favor of the DRM standard IEC 62272-1 Ed. 1: Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) – Part 1: System Specification, which is slated for publication initially in English and French.
DRM is a digital system for short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave with the ability to use existing frequencies and bandwidth across the globe. When the system is completed, broadcast can use the DRM system for broadcasting bands below 30 MHz.
With DRM’s commercial roll-out drawing nearer, DRM will launch its inaugural broadcasts toward the ITU’s WRC 2003 in Geneva this June.
“This IEC standard opens the door to the development of DRM products by any manufacturer interested in providing DRM-capable receivers to the marketplace in the future,” says Michel Penneroux, Chairman of DRM’s Commercial Committee and Head of AM Systems at DRM member TĂ©lĂ©Diffusion de France.
The ITU has also endorsed the DRM system for all three broadcasting bands below 30 MHz – short-wave, medium-wave/AM and long-wave.
IEC Votes in Favor of DRM International Standard
IEC Votes in Favor of DRM International Standard