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In-Car Streaming Is Growing Trend

Nielsen points to connected vehicle survey

Nielsen says connectivity in the car is a growing trend.

Of the 44% of consumers interviewed who plan to buy a car within two years, 39% want connectivity.

The cool factor is prominent, with 60% of respondents saying they want to experience emerging technologies, while 58% believe passengers will be entertained and 43% say it will boost productivity while they’re driving.

The connected car user is a strong buying demographic, according to Nielsen data. Forty-two percent are male age 55+ with at least a college degree; 37% make more than $100,000 a year. Thirty-seven percent of connected car users say they spend 30 minutes to an hour in their cars on a regular basis.

Drilling down into Nielsen’s Music 360 report, nearly a quarter of all music listening each week takes place in-car, with 36% saying they listen to streamed audio regularly in the vehicle. Twenty-six percent connect to the Internet every time they’re in the car, according to the data.

Nielsen used data from nearly 6,000 respondents 18+.
